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  • Writer's pictureZoe Chowdhury

Understanding Adders

Welcome back! Last week we talked about following the design procedure to make circuits that are useful to us. This week, we will use that knowledge to design and build adders.

What are adders?

Adders are small but powerful components used in digital electronics. They perform arithmetic operations within devices, ranging from calculators to complex processors. The most basic adders are the half-adder and the full-adder.

Designing and Analyzing Half-Adders

Our first problem statement is to create a circuit that can add X and Y where X and Y are 1-bit inputs.

Step One: Determine the inputs  and outputs

This adder has two inputs (X and Y) and two outputs: the sum (S) and the carry (C).

Step Two: The truth table is as follows:

Step Three: Find the Boolean functions and simplify

Step Four: Produce the circuit and verify it

Now, if we analyze the circuit and truth table in front of us, we will see that we’ve just created a half-adder circuit. If you’d like to see how I built this circuit, please watch the video at the end of this article.

A half-adder is the simplest form of an adder circuit, designed to add together two single-digit binary numbers.

In binary arithmetic, each digit can only represent two possible values: 0 or 1. A half-adder can add two such digits together, producing a sum and a carry-out. However, it can only handle one "half" of the addition operation because it doesn't account for any carry-in from a previous addition. This is why it is called a half-adder.

Half-adders are used in simple arithmetic tasks and work as the building blocks for more complex adders.

Designing and Analyzing Full-Adders

The problem statement directs us to build a circuit that can add two binary numbers, X and Y, while also including any carry-bits from previous additions.

While a half-adder can add two single-digit binary numbers, it cannot account for a carry from a previous addition. This limitation is addressed by the full adder.

A full adder is called "full" because it's capable of performing the addition operation with three inputs: two single-digit binary numbers (which we denoted as X and Y) and a carry input (Cin) from the previous addition stage. It adds these inputs together to produce a sum and carry output.

As we’ve mentioned above, the full adder has three inputs and two outputs: the sum (S) and the carry-out (Cout). 

Therefore, this is the truth table for a full adder:

Then we find our Boolean functions:

Then we build the circuit:

Now, if we analyze the circuit and truth table in front of us, we will see that we’ve just created a full-adder circuit. If you’d like to see how I built this circuit, please watch the video at the end of this article.

Half-adders and full-adders work as standard components in digital circuits, playing crucial roles in arithmetic operations performed by computers and other electronic devices. They are utilized in various applications, including arithmetic logic units (ALUs), which are central components of processors responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations.

In the realm of digital electronics, half-adders and full-adders are indispensable tools for performing binary addition operations. While the half-adder adds two single-digit binary numbers, the full-adder extends this capability to handle carry bits from previous additions. Their simplicity, efficiency, and versatility make them fundamental components in the design of digital circuits, serving as the foundation for more complex computational tasks.

Building Adders

If you are interested in seeing how I built these circuits, check out the video below!

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