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Electronic Wires


I grabbed my things and was about to leave when I turned back to the guy and said, "If you don't see me again in a few days, assume I accidentally burned my house down." 

He laughed and informed me that it was impossible to do that with a 4.5-voltage battery pack. 

That happened around October 2023, which should tell you my level of experience with electronics. 

I'm a computer science student who just took my first class about electronics. One day, my professor was discussing circuits and said to the class, "All of these parts are about $0.50, you can literally build one of these." and I thought to myself, "you mean I can build this?". 

When I started this hobby, I had to scour through dozens of articles and youtube videos and the idea of building something felt so... intimidating. I didn't know how electricity worked, or what a cathode was, or really anything beyond the theoretical concepts I learned in school.  

Since then, I've made a couple of circuits, an encoder, and some other cool stuff - and I'm learning more every day!

I started making little video demos of my projects to show my professor and he encouraged me to share my knowledge because I can approach the topic from a learner's perspective.

This archive of my knowledge may not reach thousands of people but it would be enough to know that I was able to help one person like me who decides to google: "how to make circuit easy" hahah.

So thank you for coming along with me on my journey, I hope I can help.

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If you have any questions - feel free to contact me and I'll try to help!

Thanks for asking, I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

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